Financial planning is a combination of education, the right advice and confidence in your decisions. Because the complexity of financial issues has continuously changed over the past decade and will continue to evolve, understanding your financial position and how to move forward is crucial to your success. It takes commitment and dedication, but with the right education and partner, it is possible to effectively pursue your goals.

Your financial plan should include relationships with the experts; the professionals that can assist you with all of your financial decisions and guide you toward your goals. At Newroads Financial Group, we strive to create a lifelong relationship with you; we are here to help you develop strategies based on your needs now and well into the future. A strong working relationship is created and built upon day-after-day, helping you prosper and pursue your financial dreams.

One Team. Multiple Solutions!

When you are looking for financial advice, you want experts that understand your personal, professional and life’s goals. When you work with Newroads, you receive the level of dedication provided by a small firm combined with the resources of a much larger firm. This enables our team to work closely with our clients, getting to know you and your goals and providing you with the options that can specifically work for your situation. We do not believe in a one-size-fits all approach, rather a tailored service that is dedicated to help pursue your specific needs.

You Have to Have a Plan…

Initially, we assist our clients in developing an in-depth and realistic “advice based” financial plan.  Your plan will address issues such as cash flow management, tax planning, estate and protection planning, education funding, investment planning and retirement, as well as any other financial goals you may have.  Your written plan begins with your present position, establishes goals, objectives, and the actions suggested to work towards success.  Most importantly, we invest the time necessary to get to know you, our client; who you are and how you make your financial decisions, allowing us to develop personalized and achievable financial goals and objectives.

Things Change…

Once we have a plan in place and an implementation strategy based on the recommended course of action has been decided by you, we like to maintain an ongoing relationship to help you pursue your financial goals. As everyone knows, change is inevitable in our lives, in the economy, and in the laws.  Tax laws continually change, jobs change more than ever before, babies are born, people get married, buy bigger houses or retire. By staying in touch with you regularly, we help you adjust your financial goals as life-changing events occur. We work closely with you to help determine the effects that any lifestyle changes have on your plan. As a result, we work with you to keep you on track and stay on course in the most efficient manner.


Separate from the financial plan and our role as  financial planner, we may recommend the purchase of specific investment or insurance products or accounts. These product recommendations are not part of the financial plan and you are under no obligation to follow them.

Financial Advisors do not provide specific tax or legal advice.  This information should not be considered as specific tax or legal advice. You should consult your tax or legal advisor regarding your own specific tax or legal situation

Tracking Number 2686716 02-2020